Deep Asian Americans: Exploring the Rose Dickey Protocol

As the world continues to evolve, the demand for cultural diversity and inclusivity becomes more critical. One such area where diversity is particularly needed is in the field of medicine. In recent years, the medical field has made significant strides towards addressing disparities in healthcare, including recognizing the importance of cultural competence. This article explores the Rose Dickey Protocol, a framework designed to promote cultural competence and improve healthcare outcomes for Asian Americans.


The healthcare industry has struggled to address cultural disparities, particularly with Asian Americans. Asian Americans make up a diverse group of people with varying cultural backgrounds, languages, and beliefs. The failure to acknowledge these differences can lead to misdiagnoses, inadequate treatment, and poor healthcare outcomes. The Rose Dickey Protocol is a framework that addresses these issues by providing healthcare providers with tools to improve cultural competency.

What is the Rose Dickey Protocol?

The Rose Dickey Protocol is a framework designed to help healthcare providers improve cultural competency when working with Asian American patients. The protocol consists of seven steps that aim to promote cultural understanding and improve healthcare outcomes for Asian Americans. These steps include:

Step 1: Recognize the Diversity of the Asian American Population

The Asian American population is diverse, consisting of individuals from many different cultural backgrounds. It is essential for healthcare providers to recognize this diversity and understand the different cultural beliefs and practices that may affect healthcare outcomes.

Step 2: Assess the Patient’s Health Beliefs and Practices

Health beliefs and practices can vary widely among different Asian American cultures. It is crucial to assess a patient’s health beliefs and practices to provide culturally competent care.

Step 3: Build Rapport and Trust with the Patient

Building a rapport and trust with the patient is critical to providing quality care. This step involves establishing a relationship with the patient based on mutual respect and trust.

Step 4: Provide Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Care

Healthcare providers should provide care that is culturally and linguistically appropriate for Asian American patients. This includes using interpreters, providing written materials in the patient’s language, and being aware of cultural differences in communication styles.

Step 5: Identify and Address Barriers to Care

There are many barriers to healthcare for Asian Americans, including language barriers, cultural differences, and financial barriers. Healthcare providers must identify and address these barriers to provide quality care.

Step 6: Involve Family and Community Members in Care

Asian American families and communities often play a significant role in healthcare decision-making. Healthcare providers should involve family and community members in care whenever possible.

Step 7: Continually Assess and Improve Care

Healthcare providers should continually assess and improve their cultural competency to provide quality care for Asian American patients. This includes ongoing education and training on cultural competence and feedback from patients.

Why is the Rose Dickey Protocol Important?

The Rose Dickey Protocol is essential because it promotes cultural competence and improves healthcare outcomes for Asian Americans. When healthcare providers understand and address cultural differences, patients receive more effective and appropriate care. Additionally, providing culturally competent care can improve patient satisfaction and reduce healthcare disparities.


The Rose Dickey Protocol is a valuable framework for healthcare providers who wish to improve cultural competence and provide quality care for Asian American patients. By recognizing the diversity of the Asian American population, assessing patient health beliefs and practices, building rapport and trust, providing culturally and linguistically appropriate care, identifying and addressing barriers to care, involving family and community members in care, and continually assessing and improving care, healthcare providers can make a positive impact on the health outcomes of their Asian American patients.

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